ABRAMS Industries® is so excited to participate in Girlsday on 27 April, 2023!

We are so happy that you are interested in the topic „I’m going to be a COO!“ and to offer you exciting insights into the working world of our company.

ABRAMS is a supplier of precision steel, aluminium and universal taps. We are the only supplier in Europe with 70 different materials in more than 32,629 dimensions in flats and rounds. Our customers include toolmakers as well as mould makers.

At the Girls‘ Future Day on 27 April 2023, you will learn about the tasks of our COO Ms. Nur H. Nezir in our company and how she implements her visions and ideas. She will tell you why she likes being the boss and what her everyday working life is like. You will get to talk to other female managers from Sales, Purchasing and Human Resources and learn more about their careers and experiences in their departments.

We will also give you insights into different areas of our company and show how everything functions together in order to be successful. You will see how we make precision steel from the steel ingot, how our products are sent out to our customers and how the marketing and advertising team operates.

There will also be a Q&A session where you can ask any questions you have about being a female COO and the working world in general.

It is our goal to inspire and encourage you to pursue your dreams and goals!

We strongly believe that women play an important role in the business world and we want to show you how you can be successful. As a girl you can be anything, the whole professional world is at your fingertips! We look forward to welcoming you to our girls-only day to introduce you to the world of business and help you realise your dreams and visions!

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